Binary Opposition is the way in which media texts are organised around a set of opposite values. An example of this would be hot/cold, good/evil or light/dark.
We discussed whether it's possible to understand something unless you know the meaning and have experienced the opposite of this. Would it be possible to to know what hot felt like if we didn't know what cold was like? Words can only act as symbols and what the actual meaning is, the word is related to the meaning, however the meaning could change- we only know the meaning of the word because we have experienced it ourselves.
For homework I watched Spiderman and identified the binary oppositions within the film-
Explanation of some of the binary oppositions:
Love/Hate- we can see the love between some characters and their families, there's also love between the two lead characters, whereas we see hate between the heroes and villains.
Good/Evil- the majority of the characters are good, the police, spiderman, the main characters families, whereas evil is the villains and Spidermans enemies.
Claude Levi Strauss and Roland B
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