PLANNING- Brainstorming Ideas
This week my group and I have started the planning stage for our film, we've been having discussions about what sub genre or hybrid genre we think our film should be and we've discussed all of the ideas that we've come up with. At first we came up with the idea of a crime-thriller with some phycological elements, we recorded out conversation and came uo with several different ideas of what we could include if we did do this particular sub genre. We also discussed other aslects such as the filming and what the style of the film would be like, we all agreed that we liked the particular stlings of films like Sin City and how it was very arty and clever in the way it had been animated. We kept with this idea and based mire ideas around this, we also talked about having a hand-held camera and having some of the film on this, as if from the aspect of the protagonist. We brainstormed and talked about ideas for the crime thriller, however after further discussions we decided that we wanted to do something more original as the ideas that we were coming up with we're very clice. As we ended our discussion we started thinking of more ideas and came up with the possible idea of a religious thriller, we will be continuing to discuss this idea.
I think that our planning is going well so far, I'm happy with our decision to not continue planning for a crime thriller as this is something that wont be original and I think that we should do something unusual and not expected, I think that we should go down the unconventional route and go for some unexpected ideas but still keep the main elements of the conventions for whatever sub genre or hybrid that we choose. I'm think that our ideas about camera and editing are good ideas and will hopefully be useful to us further on in our planning, but for now we need to make a definite decision on our genre and then work from there with the planning.

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