Thursday, 31 January 2013

What We Need To Change

We showed our footage which we filmed at the weekend to Mr Ford and he said that we could use most of it in our final film, however there were some parts which he thought we should re shoot. The main part which we need to re shoot is there scene where the woman being tortured has just woken up and speaks to the man. We all agreed that the dialouge needed to be changed as it wasn't really what would be said in a conventional thriller/horror film. We've decided that Charlee and I will go back and look at some horror thrilelrs which are similar to ours, particularly scenes where somebody has just woken up after being kidnapped, so that we can get ideas from this and then write a new script.

At the moment this is the only part which we need to re film, however we may also need to re shoot the whole scene showing the people who have been tortured as the setting will change and so will the actors makeup. Therefore we may need to film this whole scene again so that the continuity is similar.

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