Unfortunately it could only be myself and Oscar that could film this day as Charlee was away on the only day that we could film; Bethany was supposed to be coming however we waited for her but she didn't turn up. This made it a lot harder for us to film as she was supposed to be bringing the props so we had to improvise and luckily I had brought some props of my own.
We filmed in a living room with the protagonist on the sofa watching TV and a child on the floor playing with a dog, we filmed at a few different angles to see which ones we would need to use; we then filmed from the kitchen; the protagonist walking from the living room, through the kitchen. This also included a zoom into an open bible on a page about sacrifice. Oscar did most of the filming whilst I decided which angles to film at and what the actors would do; we did refer back to the storyboard however because the location changed some of the shots and the camera angles had to change as well.
As we decided that we weren't going to use the Polaroids anymore because the images and the names are blurry and it didn't really make sense, it meant that there would be more footage needed as there was now more time to film. We filmed a lot more in the garage and there was a lot more dialogue involved this time, whereas last time we had more footage of the protagonist walking towards the garage. If we were to film again I would change this so that we filmed more of the protagonist moving towards the garage so that it would build more suspense and didn't get straight into the action.
Problems during filming:
We had a few problems with continuity during filming, the scene where the protagonist walks from the kitchen towards the garage was very hard to film as there's actually another large room in the middle, with a completely different door so we weren't able to make it look like this room wasn't there. This is something which I'm worried about when it comes to editing because I'm not sure if it's possible for us to make it look like this room doesn't exist.
I think that overall this filming session went a lot better than it did last time; I think it's really good that we now have an interaction between the father and son, and that we now show the protagonists face.
Set in the garage
Filming in the kitchen
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