Wednesday, 10 October 2012


These are the opening sequences to thrillers that the rest of my group looked at, we put all of our notes on Thrillers together so that we could all understand and find out what we each did and how it helped us.

Oscar's Research- Opening Sequence

Firstly I think it was really useful that each person in our group looked at two opening sequences each as we've all swapped ideas and learned different things from what the others wrote.

Oscars research has taught me a lot about framing and shadowing, this was something that I didn't focus on in my analysis so it was good to learn more about how it's used in films to create different  reactions and interpretations from the  audience. Oscars analysis was very detailed and thorough when explaining the different films he watched, I think it was good that we all did different films, and as Oscar analysed two action films I found out how they were different from the horror thrillers that I looked at. One thing that I found useful and interesting to know was about how the speed of the shots can create pace and how editing can be used to show when someone is dreaming or when someone's having a flash back. Oscar wrote about how costumes are symbolic which is something that I wasn't very detailed about in my analysis so I learned a lot from this information. This research also taught me about how music and sound can create a different pace and different feelings from the audience; music and sound is something which I wasn't very confident with when I wrote about Frozen and Abandoned so it was really useful to see how Oscar felt about music and sound and how it was used in the films he watched. Overall I think that Oscars research was really detailed and analytical, it's definitely helped me understand more about opening sequences and it was interesting to see the differences between the films he analysed and the films that I analysed. 

Charlee's Research- Opening Sequence

Charlee's research on opening sequences taught me a lot about the actual credits and how they're used. She wrote about how the order of what's in the opening sequence is used for effect and how it allows viewers to understand what's happening. Her information on camera was interesting to read as she's written about how t makes the audience feel. 

Bethany's Research- Opening Sequence

Beth's research was interesting as I haven't watched the films she analysed and I didn't know much about the type of films she'd written abut. She's written quite detailed about sound and how the music makes the viewers feel, which allows us to see how the characters are feeling. She's also written a lot about camera shots and the effect of these. Overall Beth's  research has been very helpful and has helped me learn more about phycological thrillers, her research was detailed and had some really good analysis.

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