Oscars part of the research was to make the questions for the survey and then get the survey filled out, in order to analyse the answers so that we know what type of things people want in a thriller film.
I think that the questions Oscar chose to ask were suitable for the questionnaire and were really good in terms of what needed to be asked and what we needed to know.

Oscar has evaluated the questionnaire results really well, it's helpful that he's gone through the results of each question and said what we've learned from the answers and how they will affect our decisions. From reading Oscar's answers I've found out that most of the answers from the survey were split, which will be helpful for us as it gives us a more diverse range of choices of what to include in our film. Oscar mentions that more than half of the poeple who answered our survey were over 16, and that they had watched both 18 and 15 rated films, this is useful to know as it means that our film can be an 18 or a 15; there isn't one specific age rating that's come out on top. Although this is good analysis, I think that Oscar could have gone into more detail about some of the more important questions and said how it will help our choices, for example he could have mentioned that the results we have for question 6 means that we shouldn't include too much violence. Oscar's analysis is also successful as he gives his own opinion and mentions what some of our predictions were, this is good as it reminds us of what we originally thought when we answered the questions, so we can compare our opinions to the answers in which we recieved from the survey.
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